God bless his soul, N went along with me to the Maitland Rotary Art Fair today. I saw it advertised on television this week and thought it would be a good way to kill an afternoon and since I know longer have the privilage of attending the Fallsburg Art Fest in Michigan, I thought this would probably be the next best thing.
Unfortunately, it didn't quite have that fall feeling that I adore (temperatures that require heavy sweaters and warm apple cider) but it had it's own charm. And while it's eternal summer here, I am never more grateful than when my friends call me in the dead of winter and are shoveling snow off their cars. That's a feeling you just can't beat.
My big purchase of the day was 7 old Oprah magazines from the library book sale for a whopping $.70. I know i'm a big spender. I also know that this categorizes me as an 80 year old white woman who just can't get enough of that Oprah. My friends remind me. On a daily basis.
In my defense, however, I do subscribe to Rolling Stone as well.
Well, the big 1 year anniversary is coming up. N & I can't decide what gift to give ourselves for putting up with each other for the last 365 days. In a romantic gesture, he suggested we purchase our wedding pictures. I suggested we spend the $600to fix his car or purchase a new computer (since mine is on it's way oooouuuuutttt). He was less than impressed with the romantic thought that went in to those two suggestions. I just say i'm a realist.
Who knows what we'll do to celebrate the day. We both have it off and we've batted around everything from staying in and sleeping all day, to a hike, an art museum and a dinner out to a dinner in and a netflix to follow it up. Also there has been discussion of a star light dinner cruise and an afternoon brunch cruise. Again, I suggested the afternoon brunch cruise to save ourselves $24 and the humiliation of having to dance in front of strangers. Maybe I am a party pooper.
Regardless, I just think there is WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE to make a big deal of a big day. Isn't it enough to wake up next to one another. To acknowledge the fact that you're both still there despite a year filled with fights, tears, laughter, smiles, trials, tribulations and celebrations. Shouldn't it be enough to say thank you for putting up with me: for loading the dishwasher when I was too tired, for tolerating pms and bad moods, for loving me despite all of my shortcomings (and there are so many). And shouldn't it be enough to follow all of that up with making love?
I hope so. Because that is my idea of a perfect anniversary. As I see it, there is no need to get dressed up (when you see me in blue jeans and messy hair, everyday), serenade me with expensive wine (i drink the cheap stuff at home anyways) and pretend to be people we're not (I don't dance. You don't either). I love you as you are. Just you. Everyday you. Not special occasion you.
Happy Anniversary, baby.
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