Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dear Mozilla Firefox,

I've been burned before by you before. And i gave you the 2nd chance I thought you deserved only to wake up this morning, stumble before the lit screen of my computer with coffee in hand wiping the sleep from my eyes, only to open your browser and have all of my favorites gone. GONE! Coffee became inconsequential at that point because the adrenelaine shot through my veins as i realized that my internet lifesource was wiped clean.

I don't think you understand the importance of the favorites tab because if you did or had you would not have performed such a cruel joke. I am internet address unsavy. In fact i don't even know the proper term for typing an address into the blank box at the top of my screen, which is why i am clinging to baby terms like pathway and address as i write this because, because my whole life revolves around the click of a mouse rather than relying on memory and my type pad to navigate the internet. When i (delightfully) strike it lucky and find a site worth of my time and traffic, i rely on the favorites tab to find my way back. I don't memorize the address, i just double click & voila! it's stored in virtual memory for me. Isn't that why it was created? So you would remember so i didn't have to?

You disappoint me.

N told me to give up on you after the first time it happened and i defended you. Said i might have hit a wrong button. That maybe you reset in the night. That it may have been my dell rather than your own wrongdoing. Through the grace of god i was able to update my list of favorites, find old ones and new ones and delightfully cruise the internet with the click of the mouse and with the blind belief that you wouldn't let it happen again.

Mozilla Firefox, what i'm really trying to say is this: the old adage is "3 strikes you're out" but i can't let something of this magnitude happen again. So. . . . our time together is up. I'm moving on. I'm taking N's advice and relying on the memory of internet explorer.

Hopefully some day I can find it in my heart to forgive you. But for now, i just have to step back and away from you. I hope to one day look back on all the good times.


1 comment:

chinadoll said...

You need the Foxmarks extension -- it backs up all your favorites and bookmarks. That's the only way I can keep the same ones on my laptop and the desktop.