But. . . .perez hilton has been chronicling your new releases the last couple of days and i've been tasting the samples. And their not that bad. Granted, their not Toxic or Hit Me (baby, one more time) or even Me Against the Music (featuring Madonna) but their not half bad either. Gimme Me - the remix - made my foot tap to the beat and it created this warm fuzzy sensation that made me want to crimp my hair, put on a low cut shirt and go out for drinks & dancing.
So essentially what i'm saying is that i'm glad you're back on the scene - i like thinking of you for your great music rather than with shaved head, cowboy hat and babydoll dress, balancing a baby on your hip as you juggle a frappacino in your hand. I like this you better. and i just want to let you know that i've missed you. and i know that a million other club goers have too.
Congrats on already breaking #80 (on your first day!) in the top #100.
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